Endometriosis and Me

1 in 10 women (or people with uteruses) have Endometriosis. The average time for a diagnosis is 7 years, that is 7 years of pain and confusion. We are often disbelieved when we go to seek help, told our pain is normal. Things are changing and awareness of the condition is growing, but not fast enough. I posted about this on my twitter account several days ago, it received a huge response and so many people shared their stories with me. I was heartened but also saddened that this is still such a problem for so many. Here is my story.

I started my period in my first year of Secondary School. I was well prepared, the women in my family have always suffered with their menstrual cycles and I’d seen it so I knew what was going to happen. However, I found the pain really hard to handle, my mother was sympathetic and treated me with painkillers and a hot water bottle.

The first inkling something might be different about came from the length of my period. At first they were very erratic, I wouldn’t have one for ages then I’d bleed for a fortnight. Eventually it settled into routine of a two week period every, single month. I was in so much pain, often very weak and suffering from an inability to focus during it. My mother took me to the GP. The male GP told us that might be something serious, like leukaemia. There were bloodtests and diaries and several appointments. Eventually they ruled out the nasty things and settled on “Oh well, periods are just hard”. There was also some mild anemia so I upped my iron intake. He also suggested I went on the contraceptive pill to control my periods.

My mother said it was my body and my choice, she talked through it with me doing her best to give me all the information. I was so embarrassed talking about it with her and I was not yet sexually active. None of my friends had these issues and I didn’t hear anything about this stuff at school. I was worried about taking the pill as I’d heard some things about cancer, and I just didn’t understand enough. I felt messing with nature was wrong. So I opted not to take it and carried on weathering the pain. I was around 12 years old at this point. At 14 it got much worse, so I told my mother I did want the pill after all. It didn’t help the pain but it did stop me bleeding for two weeks at a time and I could control when my period came. It meant I could begin to organise my life a bit. I made sure not to plan anything during the 7 day period break in the pill cycle. If something big was coming up, like a night out or an exam, I could run the pills packets together essentially skipping the period. I would still bleed a little but I could cope with life. I had some control back.

Things settled and I coped. I was keenly aware my friends did not need to stay home when they had a period. I felt like I was weak, periods are natural, everyone has them, why am I such a baby? At university it carried on, I went back to the GP a few times but they insisted nothing was amiss. They gave me slightly stronger painkillers but that was it, I just had to learn to live with the snarling beast that lived in my womb.

In 2005/6, in my mid 20s things really kicked off. By this time something was really, very wrong. The pain was often unbearable, the periods so unbelievably heavy, the pain was not limited to cramps either, it was everywhere. Sometimes it was so intense I fainted so I often had bumps, scrapes and bruises from that. I also started to get recurrent kidney infections which also brought a world of extra pain for me. This time the GP was a woman and she thought I might have PCOS and so a consultant appointment as set. In the meantime the kidney infections kept coming, at one point the presumed PCOS was masking the kidney infection so they didn’t realise it was still there and I ended up dehydrated and hospitalised.

Image by Julio César Velásquez Mejía from Pixabay 

You might have assumed that being admitted to hospital might finally find me some answers. They treated my kidney infection and a really lovely consultant spent a lot of time drawing me diagrams and explaining what was wrong in my biology that was causing my repeated infections (leaky valves between the bladder and kidney). He also seemed very sceptical about the PCOS diagnosis. There were tests and more tests and assurances I’d be fine. I spent a majority of this year lying o a sofa, convinced I must have something seriously wrong with me and feeling frustrated no one would listen to me.

Around a year later I finally was able to see a gynaecologist, I have no idea why it took so long. She was a woman, not that it should matter, but she was so incredibly kind. She could see the toll this was all taking on me and she re ordered all the tests again. For months I kept going back (I was living in rural Wales at the time and my nearest hospital was a 45 min drive away, so if my boyfriend wasn’t able to take me I was begging lifts from friends and family) with no answers. Obviously I had been doing my own googling and proffered my suggestion of Endometriosis. I was told this seemed unlikely, but various other things like cancer were occasionally thrown around and seemed less likely to me! Eventually the gynaecologist suggested I should have a Mirena Coil or IUS to control my periods.

As I was under the care I went to hospital to have this done. I had always struggled a bit with tampons and pain during sex but I just thought that was normal. I’d never had children so she warned me this would be ‘uncomfortable’. It was one of the most horrific experiences of my life. She really fought to get it in, I was writing and screaming in pain. Actually screaming. Two nurses held me down, one was trying to be reassuring and kind, the other was dismissive and essentially told me not to make a fuss. Suddenly I went floppy, the gynaecologist realised my heart rate had dropped and I had gone into cervical shock. She quickly aborted the attempted insertion and they dipped the table so my head was very low. Once they thought I had come back round enough they attempted to help me off the table but I collapsed a little. They kept me there for hours and fed me sweet, black coffee until I was able to walk. I went back to my boyfriends house afterwards so he could keep an eye on me. And thank god I did because he found me collapsed on the bathroom floor later that night, in pain and bleeding.

The gynaecologist suggested I should have the coil inserted under anaesthetic and that’s what happened. It did infact help as, although I bled a small amount, my periods were much reduced. Over time they would go completely. I still had random pain that I was unable to explain, I still had pain during the time I should have had a period but the medical professionals assured me this was normal. I was discharged from the care of hospital.

I moved to Bristol, it was now 2012, I was still having problems but had come to believe that I was just really bad at dealing with pain. My large tattoos should be enough evidence that this is not true, but I thought this was the only explanation. I was assured it was ‘normal’ by doctors, they must know. I was also dealing my diagnosis of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder for which hypochondria can be a symptom, so I told myself my obsession with this pain was not normal.

One day I was at my new GP in Bristol talking about my OCD. I explained my mood was low and I was worried I was obsessing unhealthily over tis pain. She immediately started to question me about the pain, I told her everything, about the pain, the heavy bleeding, the brain fog, the fatigue, the fainting. I told her I often threw up from the pain and would spend at least a day a month curled up in my bathroom wanting to die. I told her the doctors at the hospital had discharged me after ruling everything out. In a moment I will never forget she reached out and touched my arm, “Fainting regularly because you are in pain and spending time curled up crying on your bathroom floor don’t sound normal to me”. I wept in relief. She suggested Endometriosis immediately, I told her I had suggested that but no one had believed me. She also suggested other things and said she would refer me to the hospital. I was so unbelievably happy to know in that moment I wasn’t mad.

I swiftly saw a consuktant, a few tests later and they were reasonably sure it was Endometriosis. To know it was real helped me process it so much better. I now knew I had soething that doesn’t just go away, is hard to treat and would likely cause me problems having a family. But I also knew that it wasn’t in my head, that the extreme pain was actually extreme pain. Far from being weak I was strong and brave to have got this far. Suddenly I felt more powerful and in control of my life again.

There was the end of one relationship and the start of a new one (with my now husband) at this point. The added complications of this condition meant I had to have uncomfortable conversations early on with him about my body and it’s problems, about my fertility. Something I didn’t really want to do in a young relationship.

Scans had convinced my consultant that it was endometriosis but the only way to accurately diagnose it is with a Laparoscopy. I have now had a lap and two surgeries so far with my endometriosis. The last one being the most successful leading to three blissfully pain free years. Unfortunately in 2018 it came back and we are now watching and waiting, because of it’s very inconvenient location, to see if more surgery is an option.

The main point in recounting my story is to impress upon people that if you feel something is wrong, keep pushing, don’t just put up and shut up. Excessive pain ruins your life and it is not normal. I have learnt from this experience to advocate for myself and my newer diagnoses of Asthma and Hashimoto’s Disease have benefitted from this and I have received help swiftly.

We deserve good care. We shouldn’t have to beg for it. Believe women in pain, don’t dismiss us.

For transgender people there are often other barriers to diagnosis and care as medical professionals may not immediately recognise it or offer it as a diagnosis.

Find out more and how you can help here: https://www.endometriosis-uk.org/understanding-endometriosis

10 Practical things you can do to help during the Covid-19 pandemic

1. Learn how to wash your hands properly, that is not a joke, it 100% saves lives. Soap and water, 20 secs using NHS method is best. Antibac if no access to soap and water.
2. Have enough in to self isolate for 7-14 days, but don’t stockpile, please, that adversely impacts everyone.
3. I’ve posted in my local Facebook book to start a helping our neighbours thread, so people can post offers of assistance or requests for help. Consider doing this in local groups.
4. Donate to food banks and homeless shelters, their donations are really low and desperately needed.
5. Do not go to the DR, hospital, walkin unless you absolutely have to. Do not stockpile your medication, just have enough in for a month.
6. Check on elderly neighbours, unwell people, those who live alone, disabled pals – anyone who may be at risk. Regularly.
7. If you work with those who do not speak English as a first language there are translations of the official advice available. If you can’t find them, contact me, I’ll signpost you.
8. Don’t put your self or others at unnecessary risk, so consider if you really ought to travel/attend that event. Whilst carrying on as normal for now.
9. If you can afford it, do not ask for a refund. Small businesses or promoters putting on events stand to lose their income. Likewise cleaners, childminders, any services you may cancel. They may not have adequate insurance to cover this or be self employed with no sick pay. Their livelihood is at risk. So, if you can stand to lose that £20, think of those that can’t.
10. Look out for those who cannot look out for themselves.

A health crisis is made so much worse by panic. So remember this is worrying, people will die but we need to be smart, kind and thoughtful. We need to follow official guidance. We need to protect ourselves, our families and those who have no one to protect them. Stronger together ❤

New Things – January

One of the main things we intend to do with this blog is to try a new thing every month, in and around Bristol. This is part of improving my (Becky’s) mental health and also just having a fun first year of marriage. Sometimes we may even do more than one thing a month, but we’ll see how it goes!

This month we visited Bookbarn International, a second-hand bookstore and warehouse situated about a 30 minute bus ride from Bristol. We also went for a vegan Sunday roast at The Tobacco Factory in Southville. It was a really fun weekend filled with new (to us) books, great food and fun with friends.

The reason for our fun day out was Dydd Santes Dwynwen, a day celebrated for lovers from Wales, much like Valentine’s day. As we are both Welsh, we chose to celebrate on the 25th January (Dydd Santes Dwynwen) instead of 14th February (Saint Valentine’s Day). It is also, coincidentally, Burns Night (Scottish celebration), so one thing we often do is have a Burns Night supper (with vegan Haggis of course!). This year however we decided to visit this bookstore and then have a quiet evening in with a nice meal and a film.

From Bristol we caught the 376 bus from by Temple Meads train station and alighted at White Cross, a small stop near Temple Cloud. Google maps assured me the bookstore was less than 10 minutes walk away, and indeed within 5 minutes we found the small retail park housing Bookbarn International.

It is essentially a warehouse. It was a very cold day when we visited and it was cold inside too. Probably perfect for keeping books at a good temperature, but we browsed the aisles with our coats and scarves still firmly in place! There is a main reception/counter area which had a lot of vintage books on sale. We had a good look through and reminisced about books we remembered from our childhoods. There are also computers to access the book archives, of all the thousands of books not even out on the shelves. A room full of antiquities to the side is well worth a nose and a vegetarian cafe provided us with a delicious lunch. I adored the dairy free hot chocolate, it even had a steamed ‘milk’ frothy topping.

My favourite thing about a bookshop is the smell. Even old, dusty second-hand book shops smell good to me. But the presence of a cafe and a cold, big warehouse significantly reduced this joy for me. I found the labelling of aisles easy to follow and we spent a good few hours examining them in detail. In the end we found six books we wanted, all at just £1 each! Plus we picked up a birthday card for a friend from their selection. Gareth also found a few crates of vinyl unexpectedly and bought some records. I loved the little room of antique books and could have spent much more time there, but sadly we needed to leave for our bus home.

Bookbarn International

We decided that we will definitely visit again, leaving some months in between to allow stock to rotate. They even sell old books in bulk (by the yard!) for use on film sets or as cafe decorations, which I enjoyed the idea of. One of my favourite things was a display dedicated to things they have discovered in books (old photos, poems, letters, drawings, bookmarks, postcards). Even though they have a successful online shop, I think I prefer visiting in person, and the added extras of the antiquity room and cafe cemented that deal. If you have children, the kids book section is great and there is space to sit and read as well.

The genres I read most of (next to poetry and non fiction) are horror, sci-fi and feminism, but there was nothing in these sections for me this time. Oh well, all the more reason to return!

As it was nearing the end of Veganuary, the next day we met with friends for Sunday lunch at The Tobacco Factory. For the whole month they had an entirely vegan menu, which we were all keen to try. Myself and Gareth are vegetarians (nearly vegan, but we lapse a bit) and we had one carnivore and three vegan friends with us. It was a large menu with so much choice. This is delightful when you’re used to visiting restaurants and having only one or maybe two choices on an entire menu.

I opted for the vegan meatloaf roast and Gareth had the vegan brisket. Both were tasty and well cooked. They came served with roast potatoes, seasonal vegetables and a lovely gravy. We sincerely hope one of these stays on their Sunday roast menu going forward as we certainly will be coming again! Our friends ordered from the brunch menu instead and enjoyed various avocado on toast or breakfast tofu hash combinations.

Vegan Meatloaf Sunday Lunch, Tobacco Factory Bar

The Tobacco Factory, as well as being a bar and serving food in Southville, is something of a community hub. The bar also has live music and a monthly swing night. It is situated at the end of North Street, by Aldi (always handy) and has a theatre and meeting room space attached. We have seen some fantastic events at Tobacco Factory Theatre over the years, the most recent being a wonderful, fresh, topical adaptation of Snow White. At the back of the building is a large yard which is home to a weekly Sunday market, definitely worth a visit for great food and local crafts, and an outdoor bar. It is also host to all kinds of events from a silent disco to a Christmas market, to regular DJs and food stalls plus an art gallery space. If you are in the area check out their website, there is bound to be something on for you!

The food was great, the wait was very reasonable, as was the price. Add this to catching up with great friends and we rounded off our weekend in the very best way.

Next month we try an escape from in the centre of Bristol with seven friends.

Little women grow up

I have just returned from the cinema where I saw Greta Gerwig’s version of Little Women. As a child, Louisa May Alcott’s book Little women was one of my favourites and I read it many times over. My husband suprised me with a ticket for tonight after it was sold out when we tried to watch it at the weekend.

Watching it transported me straight back to reading my dog-eared copy by torchlight under my duvet. I allowed the loving March family to take my hand and bring me with them on their tale of love, betrayals, family, strife, hardship and sisterhood. As an only child myself, I was always drawn to the tight bond between the four sisters.

I desperately wanted to be a writer, so I understood Jo’s passion and admired her gumption. I also wanted to be kind and good, like poor sweet Beth was. I was a little prissy and overly dramatic, like Amy, and I wanted to marry for love, like Meg. I longed, in my idyllic country childhood, to struggle through war and sickness and turmoil, just like they did. Coming through well-rounded, full of wisdom and tall tales! (I told you I was dramatic…)

When you stop to think about it, they were the Sex & The City girls or Spice Girls of their time. I know, a fairly horrifying thought, but each character possessing a trait you can identify with personally, so you can see yourself as one of them, or even parts of yourself in all of them.

The book has love stories and shows love in many different forms, but it’s not a romance to me. It is about learning how to become a woman and where you fit in, and about the bonds of family. Greta’s version places feminism and choice at the forefront and perhaps she saw in the story something I connected with before I had words for it.

Now as an adult I still have fondness for Little Women, though in my real life I know I would have less patience for the foiballs and drama of the heroines. I have enough of my own very real troubles to wish myself anything as deadly as war, famine and life on the bread line. I’ve grown up. I’ve lost touch with that feisty Little Woman I once was and perhaps it is time I remembered her a little.

A promise I have made myself is that I will write more this year. When I was reading about ink-stained Jo in this novel, I was so sure that I would have books published by the time I was 30. I’m pushing 40 now and finding the blog hard enough to keep up with! But Jo’s furiously scribbled pages, the plays she writes for her family and her sheer determination are calling from the backroom of my childhood memories. They are reminding me we are all Little Women, even when we grow up.

I am thankful I did marry for love, and that he is the kind of man who can give me a thoughtful gift like a night with myself and this treasured childhood memory. I am thankful to live in a world where even though I’m sickly like Beth, I likely won’t die from it. I am thankful I live in a world where I don’t have to fight to publish my stories or pretend to be a man. I can write and be heard as me and I should use that privilege. I am sad that we don’t yet live in a world where the stories of Little Women are always treated as equally, or given as much prominence, as men. And where Little Women of Colour are fighting to be heard and represented still. But I’m thankful I see the fire of change in so many Little Women’s eyes and I am it, is pushing it’s way through.

If this story tells us anything, it is that we should love our sisters – even when we don’t understand them or don’t like them in that moment. It tells us our stories are powerful, no matter how ordinary or how dramatic, they all have a place.

Happy New Year / Blwyddyn Newydd Dda

Trigger warning: Diet talk, eating, weight loss, body image

Insert typical “new year, new me” mantras here and add in some additional unachievable resolutions. Is that what you’re expecting? Well, prepare to be underwhelmed!

I don’t actually hate new year’s resolutions, like some people seem do, and in recent times I have found a new year is a great driver for making successful changes in my life. But they have to be tied to some kind of measurable success criteria, or significant motivation. Otherwise I can lose interest, or worse still get sidetracked into some unwelcome behaviours.

For example, in 2018 I was all about getting fitter and healthier, and that was mainly driven by health concerns. I actually achieved that pretty well and was driven further by my engagement to my now husband. Actually not for our wedding, but our honeymoon! I wanted to be able to go somewhere warm and be able to cope with it, and have enough energy to do all the things we wanted to do. A previous holiday in Berlin had us experiencing a heatwave and I just couldn’t cope, it was unbearable. I was so sweaty and uncomfortable and I had to sit down every half an hour because I was so unfit. It was then that I realised how far I had fallen from where I was comfortable being.

I’m strongly into body positivity, but in a very much “do as I say, not as I do” kind of way! I have always been bigger than other people. I’m short but have big hips, bum and breasts. So even when I’m actually pretty thin, I don’t look that way. And my weight has fluctuated terribly over the last two decades, ranging from a size 12 to a size 24.

When I was a teenager in the 90s it was cool to wear 70’s-style clothes like flares, Adidas striped jackets and collared t-shirts. All my friends were tiny waif like girls (because we were young!), and they looked so much like the girls in bands on posters on my bedroom wall.

I always wanted to be thin like them, and even though I did dancing classes and played sports, I never was. In part this is because I like food, especially cake and chocolate, and I eat a lot of it. Unapologetically, mainly. But what I didn’t realise then is that it’s also just my body type.

Many of those friends tell me now how they wished they had my curves back then. I wished they had told me that at the time, it would have helped. My dad used to joke about my ‘thunder thighs’ and ‘footballer’s legs’, but I never realised then that these are because my legs are powerful, strong and full of muscle. Now I am proud of them.

I applaud people who are powerful, confident and are at home in their own skin. I want to be that way, but I’m not (not yet anyway). I realise that I have for too long focused on the scales, the numbers, the fat rolls. But it isn’t about that. For me the question is: what is it about inhabiting my body that makes me feel good? I feel good when I’m able to do the things I want to. I feel good when I feel I look good. I like feeling strong and powerful. I like feeling sexy sometimes.

So I realise I need to work on doing the things that make me feel that way, not dieting or trying to lose weight. That is what works for me, but everyone is different.

I’ve really beaten myself up this last year because I lost all the progress I made in 2018. The scales stopped going down, then eventually they went up. I was unwell for a large portion of the year, only finally getting a diagnosis recently of Asthma and Hypothyroidism. A lot of my time was spent feeling angry at myself for not being able to get off the sofa, when in fact I wasn’t giving pause to consider why that was.

So am I going to be starting a new diet or fitness regime? Is that what I’m really trying to say, and all of this is just waffle? Well, in a way…

I’ve lost where I was a year ago in my fitness levels, there is no denying that. I was happy then with where I was, what I could do physically and I’m keen to get back there. I also want my clothes to fit me again as I’ve gone up a dress size and I can’t afford a new wardrobe!

What I DON’T want to do is be obsessing about how many pounds up or down I am. So, I’m removing unhealthy accounts from my social media (meaning those obsessed with weigh ins and counting) and I’m concentrating on eating well and doing exercise, when I can. I’m not going to beat myself for not feeling well enough to do something. I’m not going to focus the scales, but how I feel. And, sometimes buying a nice dress or eating a piece of cake might be what I need.

Sometimes a big salad or a HIIT session at the gym might do it. Sometimes I might need to go to bed for two days. But overall it’s all about me feeling better in myself, and exactly how I achieve that doesn’t really matter. As long as I treat myself with love and patience.

That is my new year’s fitness resolution: finding comfort and peace in my own skin.


It’s all new and fresh and young,
Glistening like promise on a spring flower.
My fragile, tender silence begs you:
Do not break me for I am weak.

You, with your warm, enveloping skin,
and deep dark, dangerous eyes.
I feel my future in your gentle kiss,
Sense no goodbyes in your eyes.
You are mine.
And I jump into your pool,
sacrifice myself for just one minute more,
to be only yours.

My heart is racing to catch you,
beating so hard it might just burst,
I have an unquenchable thirst and desire
for you and us, for this, our love.
Let it rain.

For GJ 06/10/14

pic credit: unknown tumblr find, please advise if know
pic credit: unknown tumblr find, please advise if know

Surprise Cadence

Poetry can be from the heart,
words of worth spiced with
paprika perception, pretty phrases
spiraling ideas and salad dressed ideals
to make them easier to swallow,
the bland truth easier to digest.

The mood can strike at any time,
sometimes it’s inspiration hitting hard,
your heart pounds and your pen
tries desperately to keep up with your brain.
Spelling is forgotten.
The joined up, grown up handwriting
practiced so carefully as a child is lost to scrawl.

At other times you sit and stare,
pensive, away in the clouds, thinking,
and slowly an idea forms and you write
it down precisely step by step,
then fill it out with analogies, alliteration,
(all tricks learned in English years ago)
or with cleverly thought out description.
It doesn’t cut as deep if made blunt by beauty.

You could be inspired by a teacup
or use the tools of gender, ethnicity,
being an outcast as a child, death or sunlight
and sometimes you’re inspired while running on
the beach in long, white flowing dresses,
and sometimes not. I often find I regurgitate
common themes of truth, clocks, time, death,
women, Wales, sex, love. What more is there?

Sometimes you chose a stanza or design,
rhyming couplets, freestyles, ABBA,
(though I prefer Black Sabbath myself)
often you decide your purpose, style or mood.
but oftener (you make up words)
and write feverishly about…well
you’re not sure what and stumble onto sense.
you re-read and understand
perhaps you mean that, you’re awfully clever,
or perhaps it’s just a lucky accident.

Who knows?
But one thing’s for sure, wherever you go,
whoever you become, whatever you do,
even if you haven’t written in years,
your mind will constantly be forming
pretty phrases to say
what you really mean.

The Man With The Yorkshire Blue Eyes

Through a Bizarre sequence of events
he enters my life.
Suddenly there he is with his Liverpudlian Swagger
The Man With The Yorkshire Blue Eyes.

There he stands, legs apart.
His Socialist ideals stacked atop his Cuban heels.
Trinkets, idolatry, idiosyncrasies adorn his presence.
He’s dressed to kill…your heart.

Fingers with chipped nail polish close
around my cool hand.
Urgent soft lips kiss me between the chatter
of The Man With The Yorkshire Blue Eyes.

I look at him and think
this could be just a chance of getting laid
he looks at her and thinks,
I wonder.

Stale smoke, boozy breath, the smell of sex, we make
our own scent.
Our hearts beat along to music that matters
to The Man With The Yorkshire Blue Eyes.

He whispers to me,
Let it happen, let it be.
And so, we do.

Mud Washes Off

There he is, just a man.
The distance between our bodies
small but impossible to cross.
The night is dark and cold
but the heat of something
envelops us in
it’s charms.

Here I am, a lost girl.
I do not know how I got here.
I only know I cannot leave
his electric eyes shoot
sparks deep down inside me,
our way on the black
road ahead.

Show me your intentions
Let me first know your hand before
I reveal my cards, or fold.
This game is already
lost. We both understand.
The silence
sings with words we daren’t
yet speak.

A desire, justified
by a rare depth of connection,
begins to bridge the gap, that space
between us. Allows us to
creep closer to what we want.
Our lips
touch. Now its too late.
We kiss.

Everything I thought I
wanted melts away till all that’s left
is you, you and I, us, this kiss.
The moments reality
is huge and hard to bare.
It hurts
but it’s exciting
and ours.

We want so much more than
just this brief moment of time we
stole. But we know the clock is ticking.
We know that I must leave.
The kiss ends, the spell breaks
and I
run away, too scared to
look back.

The rain is holding off
but the tears show no such mercy.
They spill down my cheeks as I run
away from the truth and back
towards my pretty lie.
Eyes open,
heart in shreds, lips still

As I arrive home, boots splattered, I realise…
The mud will wash away but the memory will stay forever.

Lou Scannon Creators Interview (2011)

Originally published in The Bite Mag

Becky caught up with Dan Harris Rhondda based creator, writer and penciller of Sci-Fi comic Lou Scannon. The comic is the product of the twisted minds of Dan, along with his two friends Kris Carter and Jim Bampfield. And it’s well worth a read if you ask us…

So, you are the original creator of the comic Lou Scannon can you tell us about how and why you decided to make your own comic?

I initially developed the idea for a short film back in 2001 as part of my degree in animation. However once the film was done, I started thinking on how I could develop the idea and it grew from there. I knew the idea was too big though for someone in my position to even consider doing as an animated series and I’ve always had a big love for comics so I developed the idea more for that instead. I always intended to do it as a comic book but I ended up creating such a vast universe, I gave myself a writer’s block. I had the past, present and future down but didn’t know exactly at what point in the overall story I should start the comic.

That’s where Kris came in. He had always loved the idea I’d had and wanted and nagged me to do something with it. So when he saw I hadn’t, he asked if he could play around with it. He started with a couple of one page stories and eventually asked if he could do an issue he had had an idea for. I gave him the thumbs up and ended up drawing four pages of the comic itself and the cover whilst taking a more editorial role. Basically saying what would and wouldn’t go within the Louniverse. Issue one really lit a fire within me and from Issue 2 on, Kris, our friend Jim and myself write it. I pencil, Jim flats and Kris does the colouring/greyscaling. Jim was an important addition as his humour is different to mine which is different to Kris’ and it really means we bounce and feed off each other even more.

Issue 2 is out and about now, hopefully it’s selling well for you! Where can our readers pick up their own copy if they want a look?

As it stands right now, the comic is available on our website http://www.louscannon.co.uk, at Orbital Comics on Leicester Square in London, My Tattoo studio in Treforest and at Forbidden Planet in Cardiff. Although we are hoping to expand on this within the new year. We also have a stand at the Cardiff Comic Convention at the end of February 2012. (Sadly The Bite Mag comes out in March after this awesome event will have taken place!)

Issue 3 is due out in the spring, about when our issue of The Bite is released, have you completed it yet?

The real question there is “Have you started it yet?” to which in all honesty I would have to answer “No…”. We’re really pushing ourselves with issue 3 as we haven’t long finished issue 2 but we want 3 ready for the Cardiff Comic Con which means it has to be done by the end of January to be printed in time. The plus side is that for 3 the pencilling duties are being split between Kris and myself so I only have to pencil seventeen of the twentytwo pages.

You have issues pre-planned until winter 2012, does that end the series or are there further plans?

No, there are much bigger plans. Issue six will see the end of the first story arc and will leave it on a sort of cliffhanger which if we have done our jobs correctly, will leave you wanting more and with questions that you want answered. When I planned the comic out originally, I created an entire universe which includes a vast history and even a map of the galaxy so we have a lot of pace to explore. Lou is trying to find out about his past and it leads to much bigger things and we couldn’t do that in six or even twelve issues. This has become a labour of love for the three of us and we don’t want to leave people feeling short changed on the story at all. We might even end up working on it for as long as Jeff Smith worked on Bone. Although hopefully we wont have to continuously self publish for that long…

Would you say Lou is based on yourself in anyway or did you have anyone else in mind when you created the character?

See now I would have to say no but I think that Kris, Jim and any of the other guys that we went to uni with would argue with me there. A lot of the guys think I based Lou on myself. They say that they think he looks like me because he has spikey hair and a goatee (I don’t so much have spikey hair these days but that’s more down to hair thinning out gradually than anything else…), he’s sarcastic, cynical and a bit of a joker. Apparently that’s me too. I DID once tell Kris when he was writing dialogue for Lou and stuck on what to put to think “What would Dan say?”

Who, if anyone, would you cite as being influences for your work?

Well this isn’t so much in the style of which I draw but they have certainly influenced me: Michael Turner – If it hadn’t been for him, I never would have gotten back into comic books at all. He was a big influence on my drawing style in my late teens but as I got older I sort of went into a different direction which was probably influenced by doing an animation degree. His death was a great loss to the world and so young at only 37 too. Without him I don’t think I would be where I am right now as he totally captivated my imagination and made me think “Yeah, comics is something I would love to do.” Jeff Smith – His story telling is phenomenal and inspiring. His comic book “Bone” is sort of like a modern day fairy tale and is one of the best comic books you could ever hope to read. Bruce Timm – Without him, we wouldn’t have had the absolutely incredible “Batman: Animated” series from the early 90’s. Nor would the Batman franchise have ever had the character Harley Quinn. Joe Capobianco – My favourite tattoo artist. His style is “Off the hook” as the kids say. There are a lot more but we would be here all day if I went through them.

Have you always been a comic fan or did you come to the genre later in life?

My Dad once told me that I was into comics before I could even read. I loved the imagery. So I guess I’ve always been a comic book fan! There was a period of time in secondary school where I was bullied when people found out that I still read things like Spider-man so I stopped for a couple of years. Then I went to college and met a lot more mature people who still read comics and I realised I wasn’t a freak or weirdo for doing so. That’s when I was introduced to the work of Michael Turner on the “Witchblade” series which in my late teens I absolutely adored.

How do you feel about movie adaptations of comics?

For the most part I think it’s a good thing. As someone who was picked on in school for reading things like X-Men I think if it promotes it in a way that the masses generally accept it, it might help deter bullying in the future. It seems Britain is a bit different to America with comic books. At least it was when I was in school. When I was in school, comics were just for kids and it wasn’t cool if you were over Eleven years old and still reading them (Although I’m open to the possibility that it was just the kids in my school who looked on it like that). We all know now that that is absolute crap and I think film adaptations help show that to people.

My favourite comic adaptation of the moment is probably “Scott Pilgrim”. I also think it makes for a great Indie styled film. It’s also closer to the comic than probably any other adaptation I can think of at this moment in time.

My most despised comic adaptation… Well I guess I would go with “Batman and Robin” as that is not only the worst comic adaptation but also probably one of the worst films ever made too. I’ve had turds that were more appealing to watch than that pile of absolute horse wank. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn if, to convey the accurate amount of insanity as the Joker in “The Dark Knight”, Heath Ledger had spent two weeks straight locked in a white room forcing himself to watch that film over and over again whilst Hansons “Mmbop” was simultaneously played on repeat through wall mounted speakers.

Web comics seem to be increasing in popularity, do you see them as a threat to traditional comics or an added bonus?

Web comics rock! I think they are a great way for talent that would normally remain undiscovered to get out there and noticed! I used to do one myself called “Retail” which you can still view on my deviantart page http://www.griftersart.deviantart.com. I have a few favourites myself! There’s Jump-Leads by Ben Paddon and Jjar which is a fun sci-fi romp! Dead Days is a great one you can find that runs on deviantart. Sometimes webcomics end up being so popular as well that they end up being published by one of the big companies in a hard copy format anyways. Like “PVP” for example.

Mainstreaming of the comic genre is a hot topic, with people having pretty strong views, any thoughts?

There’s always part of you that thinks “No! This is mine! Don’t take it to the masses!” but overall I only see it as a good thing. How can comics survive if people aren’t made aware of all the great things there are out there to read? Neil Gaimans Sandman. Garth Ennis’ Preacher. Mike Carey’s Lucifer. Grant Morrisons run on New X-Men. These are all great reads and if more people know about them and enjoy them, maybe then people wont be so quick to judge people for being “Geeks” and wont class them as losers. I used to work for a big comic book/toy store and have seen how some people look at the folks we had coming in. Although it seems that these days being a geek is the new cool. Which is cool.

And finally the question we all want to know… How do you feel about the DC reboot??!

Personally I don’t like it. Totally rebooting some aspects but keeping other bits as a continuation of how it was before?.. I was mainly interested in Green Lantern as I’m a massive, lifelong fan and with that, everything that had happened before the reboot still applied. Yet in Superman, Clark Kent isn’t married to Lois anymore and all the costume changes seemed a tad unnecessary as the ones they already had were pretty iconic in my opinion. I know that the argument has been used that it is a good idea to bring in new readers. Start it all over and more people will be interested. Superman was created in 1932. Batman was created in 1939. Green Lantern started in 1940. Wonder Woman in 1941. I was born in 1981. I still managed to get on board. People find a way to get on board if it is something that appeals to them in the first place.

I was talking with a member of staff in a comic shop in London one day about the reboot and I asked him how it had gone. He told me that it had gone really well and all the issue ones had pretty much sold out but that they had already halved their orders for all the issue twos as the knew that people would all scramble for the issue ones (Possibly hoping they will become valuable) but not so many would stick with the series afterwards. Maybe I’m just a bit out of the loop these days and I SHOULD find it awesome… I don’t know.

Words by Becky Beynon Lewis